Monday to Friday
8.00 am - 6.00 pm
8.00 am - 1.00 pm
Contact Lenses
To order more contact lenses, please complete the
form on this page. Please include:
your name;
your date of birth;
the name of the lens product you use;
how many lenses (or months of lenses) you require
and whether you require them for your left, right or
both eyes.
Lens orders will be placed first thing the following morning (except on Sundays) and you will receive an email to confirm we have placed your order. If we have any queries regarding your order, we will be touch.
In the event of a contact lens emergency the following out of hours numbers may be used:
Prof. Nicholas Rumney
Mrs Suzanne Wadsworth
Mr Nicholas Black
If you are on a Direct Debit Care plan (Eyelife) and we need to see you, the cost of any examination is covered under emergency provisions
If you are experiencing a non-contact lens emergency such as a sudden onset of:
please contact the practice and speak to a member of the team for advice.
If you have a Herefordshire, Worcestershire or Gloucestershire GP you may be eligible to be seen under the NHS commissioned CUES (Community Urgent Eyecare Scheme) which was consolidated from a previous NHS funded scheme.
This scheme makes it possible for patients with urgent eyecare needs to see an appropriately qualified optometrist with 48 hours where the fee is paid by the NHS. If a prescription for medical treatment is needed, the Independent Prescribing Optometrists at BBR Optometry have access to NHS prescribing and if referral is needed for further medical examination this can be appropriately directed.
Adults are advised to have an eye
examination at least every 2 years
BBR Optometry prides itself on the quality of its staff and their training; in the majority of cases a complaint can and will be dealt with by the person to whom it is first addressed. If this is not satisfactory then any complaints should first be addressed to the practice manager. If he/she is not available then this may be dealt with by one of the directors.
All complaints will be responded to within 24 hours. If an investigation is required this will be conducted by a relevant senior member of staff and the results will be discussed with the complainant.
If you are not satisfied with the manner that your complaint is being dealt with you may request another senior member of staff to handle the matter instead.
In dealing with any and all complaints we aim for a positive outcome for all parties. If, in the unlikely event, this is not possible and you wish to take the matter further then the following outside bodies can be contacted.
For information about NHS examinations and details of complaints about them to the NHS details can be found on the NHS website. Find out more
The Optical Consumer Complaints Service is an independent body that deals with complaints related to opticians. Find out more
The General Optical Council is the professional body for Optometrists and Dispensing Opticians and will deal with complaints relating to professional care.
Find out more
Practice Manager
Daniel Read
Nicholas Rumney
Nicholas Black
Suzanne Wadsworth
VAT registered UK
489 0457 07