Eye Care Fees & Charges

A white arrow on a black background

NHS Adults

A white arrow on a black background

Contact Lenses

A white arrow on a black background

NHS Children

A white arrow on a black background

Tear Clinic

A brown background with a white logo and the words investors in people goldThe logo for quality management certificate

NHS Eligibility

At BBR Optometry we believe that whatever your eligibility, you should have the mostcomprehensive examination we can offer. Our Optometrists recommend the extended examinationfor all so we can provide you with the most appropriate care and recommendations by spending anextended time with you. The NHS may not cover the cost of some procedures.


Newly Qualified Optometrist

NHS Extended Eye Examination

A comprehensive examination of a minimum of 40 minutes including the enhanced retinal scanning (OCT)/ imaging and dilation (often necessary), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate.



Full Eye Examination

A comprehensive examination of a minimum of 30-40 minutes including the enhanced retinal scanning (OCT) and dilation (often necessary), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate.



Under 25 Eye Examination

A comprehensive examination of a minimum of 30 minutes including the enhanced retinal scanning (OCT) and dilation (often necessary), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate.



Low Vision Examination



Supplementary Procedures (fields, tonometry, topography)



Children (Some tests above the NHS Eye Examination may be necessary)


Newly Qualified Optometrist

Children’s Exercises (per visit)



Children’s Cycloplegic Refraction



ReadEZ Assessment (including overlay if appropriate)



Contact Lenses

Initial Contact Lens Evaluation *

Contact lens fitting + teach + diagnostic contact lenses
+ follow-up appointment
* Patients should have had a full eye examination within the last 6 months
** Enrolment in Eyelife is a requirement for any new contact lenses wearer. Trial is FOC if not successful.

Existing wearer £70.00
New Standard & Toric £70.00**
New Complex or Bifocal £90.00**


Newly Qualified Optometrist

Contact Lens Examinations

A comprehensive examination and contact lens assessment of a minimum of 40 minutes including the enhanced retinal scanning (OCT) / imaging and dilation (often necessary), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate.

Soft CLs



NHS Contact Lens Examinations

A comprehensive examination and contact lens assessment of a minimum of 40 minutes including the enhanced retinal scanning (OCT) / imaging and dilation (often necessary), threshold fields and anterior eye imaging if appropriate.

Soft CLs



Under 25 Contact Lens Examination



Contact Lens Aftercare or Follow-up

A comprehensive contact lens assessment or follow-up. As there is no NHS component to contact lens care, unless you are on a payment plan, all contact lens assessments are chargeable.



Tear Clinic

Price Plan

Initial Consultation & Review Fee






Following the consultation, you will be provided with a diagnosis and tailor-made plan to manage your symptoms. This could include home and in-practice treatments, prices of which are as follows:


Treatment Fee

IPL (OptiLight) Treatments – Per session


Bleph-Ex Treatment


Lipiflow Treatment


Demodex Treatment – 3 Sessions


Dissolvable Punctal Plugs


Permanent Punctal Plugs


Ongoing Care

To ensure ongoing relief from dry eye, we recommend:

Option 1: Annual Dry Eye Review appointment

Option 2: £27.00 per month - Dry EyeLife

If you are already enjoying the benefits of EyeLife, you can upgrade your existing direct debit to Dry EyeLife. Benefits include:

  • Annual Dry Eye Review appointment
  • 35% Spectacle discount
  • 35% Sunglass discount
  • Eye exams included + Optomap ultra-widefield & OCT retinal imaging
  • 50% off repairs and replacement spectacles
  • Family discount
  • Complimentary 1 month loan of Blephasteam goggles.