Routine aftercare appointments are
essential if you wear contact lenses
Our team of experts are here to help and advise the type of contact lens solution to suit you!
Recent advances in technology mean that contact lenses are now more comfortable than
ever and can be trialed by most people.
There are a number of different
types of contact lenses available
Our team of experts are here to help and advise the type of contact lens solution to suit you!
Recent advances in technology mean that contact lenses are now more comfortable than
ever and can be trialed by most people.
Leading to long-term health
Our team of experts are here to help and advise the type of contact lens solution to suit you!
Recent advances in technology mean that contact lenses are now more comfortable than
ever and can be trialed by most people.
We take more time to get it right!
Our team of experts are here to help and advise the type of contact lens solution to suit you!
Recent advances in technology mean that contact lenses are now more comfortable than
ever and can be trialed by most people.
Why do you want to wear contact lenses?
Is it for special sports pursuits, hobbies or simply as an alternative to spectacles?
How often do you want to wear them? For social use or all of the time?
Have you ever had any problems with your eyes?
What is your general health like?
Are you taking any medication?
Currently only available for under 18s
Our team of experts are here to help and advise the type of contact lens solution to suit you! Recent advances in technology mean that contact lenses are now more comfortable than ever and can be trialed by most people.
A fitting charge is payable on the successful completion of a contact lens fitting
*there may be a charge for an eye examination
With the above information to hand, we will examine your eyes to check their health and suitability for contact lenses. Lenses will be chosen that are of the correct specification and as close in prescription as possible.
Once we have determined the type of lens to suit your prescription needs, the next stage is to undertake a trial period with the proposed lens, so that you can find out if they’re right for you. Once applied, it is usual for the lenses to be left in for a short time in order to assess the fit and vision. In some cases, we may ask you to take a short walk whilst wearing the lenses to see how you feel.
At the end of this visit, we will order the lenses you require and 9 times out of 10 they arrive within 2-3 working days. If you decide not to proceed after the initial trial assessment, no charge will be made, apart from that of the initial eye examination.
Handling Contact Lenses
We will teach you how to best handle the lenses, including how to apply and remove them, and how to clean and look after them. Once you are competent with the handling process, you will be able to build up your wearing time gradually.
38 St. Owen Street,
Hereford HR1 2PR
Opposite Cantilupe Surgery