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Going over the edge in the 100ft Charity Abseil

In October our very own dispensing optician and associate director Ruth Kettel took on the challenge of abseiling down the side of Leominster’s historic Priory Church. By taking herself over the edge, she raised £1,250.00 with more still coming in from her supporters.

Ruth says “The organisers told me they had run the event several times before but never had as much raised from one person, this goes to show how generous the BBR patients are.

“I would like to thank all of my supporters, I am delighted to be able to give my support to such a worthy cause,” she added.

All the funds raised will be used to further the work of Leominster Priory Church, in particular the maintenance of this magnificent building, which is at the heart of the town and is used regularly for community as well as Church events. With no public money available for the on-going maintenance costs the church relies on the generosity of the public with these charity events.

If you missed your chance to support Ruth or you would like to help towards the upkeep of Leominster’s historic building please go to Ruth’s BT/MyDonate JustGiving page.