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New Tear Clinic launch proves success

BBR Optometry’s new Tear Clinic launch was a great success with 33 patients attending of which more than half then went on to book full consultations.

The clinic was launched because figures show that in England alone some 60% of people are suffering with symptoms of ocular surface disease which is characterised by having sore, gritty and watery eyes triggered by daily activities such as computer, phone and tablet use.

Many treatments are offered at the Tear Clinic with one of the most popular being LipiFlow Thermal Pulsation where, because of the rising numbers of people with ocular surface disease, BBR Optometry has taken the decision to reduce the cost of treatment to £499 for both eyes.

BBR optometrist Jessica MacIsaac says the launch of the Tear Clinic, in conjunction with Scope Ophthalmics, revealed how popular this new service will be.

She said: “We knew from our consultations with existing patients that ocular surface disease is a growing problem and the impact it can have on people’s lives with, in the worst cases, it even preventing people from going outside because adverse weather aggravates the condition.

“We ran this launch where people could have initial consultations and were surprised to find that more than half of those who attended did, in fact, need follow-up treatment which has now been arranged for them.

“I would urge anyone who suffers from dry, red, sore of irritated eyes to take advantage of our new Tear Clinic where they can have one-to-one consultations and be advised on the many treatment options available.

“This new clinic means we can offer timely and proactive intervention without the need for a hospital appointment and patients can have confidence that they are doing everything possible to maintain and protect their eye health, especially with the very competitive pricing of our treatments,” she added.

Other treatments for ocular surface disease are BlephEx Microblepharoexfoliation, Demodex 40-day tea tree oil treatment and Dissolvable and Permanent punctal plugs, all of which are available on BBR’s new Dry EyeLife scheme meaning patients can spread the cost.