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Regular eye examinations best way to prevent Glaucoma

BBR Optometry wishes to remind the local community about the importance of regular eye examinations, as part of its support for World Glaucoma Week (WGW) which this year runs from 12th – 18th March.

Glaucoma is a group of eye diseases where the optic nerve, which connects your eye to your brain, is damaged by the pressure of the fluid inside your eye and can, if left untreated, lead to irreversible blindness.

In cases of chronic Glaucoma there are hardly any noticeable symptoms and many individuals simply blame age for changes their in sight. This is why Glaucoma is dubbed the ‘silent thief of sight’ by WGW because so many people are unaware that they have the condition.

Through World Glaucoma Week, the charity aims to encourage individuals to attend regular eye examinations in order to detect Glaucoma at an early stage to prevent sight loss.

BBR Practice Owner, Nick Rumney, says: “World Glaucoma Week provides BBR with an excellent opportunity to remind individuals about the importance of regular eye examinations.

“Due to the lack of obvious symptoms, many people believe their vision is fine and they do not consider the health of their eyes but Glaucoma is often unnoticed even though it is the second most common cause for registration of visual impairment, accounting for 9-12% of registrations in people over the age of 65 years.

“At BBR we play an active role in detecting Glaucoma by providing our patients with comprehensive eye examinations using the latest ophthalmic technologies which detect the signs the patient may be at risk such as Ocular Hypertension.

“Detection of Glaucoma is a complex process and also involves assessment of risk factors and must include visual fields, a check of the front of the eye and direct assessment of the optic nerve preferably with an imaging system such as our OCT scanner.

“Due to the complexity of Glaucoma it can take more than five years from first suspicion to actual diagnosis and treatment so I cannot stress strongly enough how important it is to have regular eye examinations, at intervals recommended by your optometrist, as early diagnosis will ensure the best possible outcomes for patients.

“For most patients, eye examinations should be carried out at least every two years but may be needed more frequently if there is a family history of the condition as this can significantly increase the risk of contracting the disease.

“No-one wants to lose their sight so please make World Glaucoma Week the time when you ensure your eye examinations are fully up-to-date,” he added.

If you require further information about BBR’s active role in Glaucoma detection or want to make an appointment for an eye examination please contact the practice by calling 01432 265 030.

For further information about World Glaucoma Week please visit the charity’s website.