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Try our Rodenstock Road® lenses at 20% discount for an extra month

The annual Road Safety Week campaign, the UK’s biggest road safety event, took place last month. During this time, BBR Optometry called for stronger vision checks for drivers, as well as promoting the need for every driver to have a regular sight test.

BRR chairman, Nick Rumney, explains “We would like to see stronger legal requirements for drivers to prove that their vision meets the standards for driving.

“If you feel your vision has changed you should see your local optometrist, who will be able to tell you if you need a new prescription, whether you need to be referred to an ophthalmologist (eye doctor), or if you have a condition that should be declared to the DVLA.

Good eyesight is a basic requirement for safe driving and poor vision increases the risk of collisions due to driver’s inability to recognise and react in time to a hazard or the behaviour of other road users.

A driver's eyes are principally challenged at medium and long distances as they look from the speedometer to the rear view mirror, then ahead and back to the Sat Nav. Rodenstock Road® lenses have been developed for drivers and will ensure perfect vision, particularly wide visual zones which have been optimised to meet these rapid changes of focus.

The lenses also feature optimally overlapping visual zones for the right and left eye that support spatial vision and simplify the estimation of distances to help motorists when they are overtaking or parking.

To help drivers this winter BBR Optometry have extended their 20% discount on Rodenstock Road® lenses and also offering free DNEye® optimisation on top of the 20% reduction and you will still get your Eyelife* discount.

Nick says: “With the highlight of Road Safety this week there has never been a better time to consider these lenses which make driving at night-time much easier as they eliminate glare from headlights and offer pin sharp vision for all distances and light conditions.

Patients interested in having these lenses will be individually measured by BBR’s latest DNEye® Scanner, a high-tech device used to ensure the optimisation of lenses to ensure everyone’s full vision potential can be achieved.

So why not call and make an appointment now on 01432 265030 to see what a difference these lenses could make to you? As we have extended the 20% discount it is available until the end of December.

*Terms and conditions apply.